Wednesday, April 7, 2010

5th Annual Crop for Cancer

Just letting my Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Iowa friends know about an upcoming crop fundraiser. This is the 5th Annual CROP FOR CANCER, held by my friend Julianna Ladas. Here are the details:
When: Saturday, Mary 22, 2010 from 9:00am to 8:00pm
Where: Federated Church, Sycamore, IL 60178
Who: Conact Julianna Ladas at
What: 11 hours of scrap booking fun, door prizes, auction, special guest speaker
In fact, when you mail in your fee, you make your check out the ACS for $20.00 and send Julianna a check for $6.00 for lunch from a local restaurant called Shaun's. And I will have an item in the auction and be attending as a cropper. Hope you can make it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Clare, you inquired about my blog background. It was made by House of 3. I think I paid $8 for it. Just follow their instructions for loading; it is different thatn using the type of b'ground you currently have. I also got their banner, and added then name of the blog using powerpoint. If you have photoshop that would work even better.

    Try this link:

    xx Susan
