Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lent Journal Pages

So, today I am sharing my Lent Journal pages. Nothing fancy, as I did not want to make this project a work driver. Instead, I just modified my December Daily pages to reflect the dates for lent this year. I also changed the color of the text. Now, to get out the stamps and stickers for Easter!
I also will try and pre-scrap some of the journal and plan out three days of activities for the kids ahead of time. So, Why Wednesday, we will talk about why we celebrate lent and Ash Wednesday. Thursday, we will think about what we want to give up and why we give something up for lent. I am interested to see what the boys will be willing to give up! And Friday is family night. The boys are really liking playing the games as a family. Just hope they don't cream us on Mario Kart again! Maybe they will give up video games!

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