Friday, February 18, 2011

Tips for Decorating Your Craft Room

I am just finishing up two covers for a customer in black and white and loving the combination! Can't go wrong with the classics! When I first started making covers, I knew that craft rooms were really becoming part of our homes and saw my covers as part of the decorating scheme for every Cricut lovers craft room. But while some of us may be comfortable scrap booking and card making, we don't have the same confidence in decorating. So, today I am sharing some of my decorating tips for your craft room or craft space.

One of my favorite go to rules is the rule of three. Try repeating a pattern three times in your space that works with your color scheme. So, you might add an Expression cover like the one at the top of the post, a Your Story cover like the one above and a scrap bag like the one below.
My second favorite rule is the Gallon, Quart, Pint rule. So, now you choose your main color for the walls, that's your Gallon color in this case white walls. Now your Quart is black and you might use this on a large magnetic chalk board in the craft room. And for a pint color you might use burgundy, and scatter this in a few accessories in your room. Try your organizational items.
And lastly, I love a piece of whimsy in every craft room! I don't have one to match the color scheme above in stock, but consider a decorative bird cage, like this one in my Etsy store for storing your ribbon. I added a few embellishments and instant whimsical storage! I actually love this method of storing ribbons! It makes getting what you need easy too!


  1. Thanks for requesting my friendship in FB ---LOVE your creations! Black and White is so .... I use to decorate and dress in black and white with just a hint of red... but have changed to green... you are making me want to go back to b@w!! love it! ~Gaby

  2. Replies
    1. I don't have a commercial pattern, just my own pattern I made with paper for the machine covers. If you are interested in a copy, please email me at the contact info to the right of the blog. Look for about me complete profile link. There is NO pattern for the scrap catcher, but you should be able to google that since so many quilters make them.
