Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ric Rac Roses You Have to Try

Yesterday, I stumbed upon an Etsy Store with roses made from ric rac. I knew I could make them, so I googled Ric Rac Roses Tutorial. Apparently, there are several methods. My first attempt was with some Jumbo Ric Rac so, I decided to try the fold in half method. I can't find the blog that had the tutorial this morning, so I apologize for not giving the credit here to the author. Here are the steps I used: 1) Finish the inside edge of your ric rac with frey check and once dry trim to a neat edge. 2) Fold your ric rac in half and press. 3) Begin rolling your rose tightly and whip stitch the base together matching up the folded edge, so that it can lie flat. 4) Do NOT fuss with your petals until finished! 5) Once your rose if the size you like, tie a knot and finish the final edge with frey check. Allow to dry and trim. 6) Fold back your outer petals as desired, leaving a rose bud center. The second method is to entertwine the ric rac, but I have no small ric rac in the house, so I will have to attempt that on my next run to the store.

1 comment:

  1. Cute flower, now I have to look for ric rac in my stash. Also on the Cricut forum, I saw a flower made out of half a 18" metal zipper by gathering on the fabric.
