Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'm the Guest Designer at Art Glitter Today!

Did you watch the royal wedding just to see the dress? How about the Oscars? Well, I love the watch the fashion on the red carpet and any see any wedding dress! But I have already worn my wedding dress, and am not likely to ever walk the red carpet. So, when I saw the paper dresses at CHA in the DCWV booth, I knew I had a reason and a method to make some fashion magic!

This dress was made to fit a children's toy, but you can find small scale dress forms at JoAnn's, Michael's, Pier One and more. See all the details on how to make this dress and more pictures at the Art Glitter Blog HERE.


  1. Congrats!!! This is gorgeous!!
    Are you gals goinl to CHA this year? Let me know!!

  2. You have been awarded a blog award. You will need to post 8 things about yourself and choose 15 people to give the award to.

  3. That dress is so cute. What a perfect way to dress up a girls room. Love it - have to give that one a try.
