Friday, January 20, 2012

Organizing my Cricut Carts

I am in the process of re-organizing my Cricut cartridges and thought I would share my system. Maybe you have one you'd like to share in my comments! I used the Jetmax cubes three drawer box, bought on sale at Michaels. I cut plastic needlepoint canvas to hold the cartridges only. I've run out of canvas and will have to make run, but it is snowing heavily here and I am in need of a post if I'm gonna keep up on my goal to post more. You get the idea. Somethings I am doing a little different are: I store my Imagine carts in the same drawer, can you see them in the back? And I have quite a few regular Cricut Cartridges and get frustrated when I have to shift over 30 cartridges after making a purchase. So, I am leaving the column on the far right open for new purchases in 2012. And yes, you can see that I have already purchased two. I get the round tags at my local hardware store and put them on the spine of my books. I am not sure how I will handle this on the newer books with no wire spine yet.
And speaking of purchasing new cartridges, you might be wondering how do I do it? I am frequently sharing how I try to save money and crafting can be expensive. So, here are some of my tips:
1) Coupons, you probably know this if you craft, but if you don't get them in your paper, did you know that you can get them online and print them out at home? Just try to google the store name and coupons.
2) Gift card promotions. My local grocery store and Target often offer gift cards if you fill prescriptions with their pharmacy. When I need something filled I use the gift card to purchase another gift card for Ebay and shop there for my carts.
3) Win them! Some of the places I find contests listings are: Facebook, and the Cricut Message board.
And since were talking about winning, I have an extra Imagine More Art Cartridge. When my Imagine broke and was still under warranty, PC sent me a new one with the new machine. So, if you'd like to win it just comment below and leave a way to contact you in a safe manner, ie cjsmith at hotmail dot com is safer then I will draw a winner with on February 2, 2012.


  1. Hi,I've started to organize my craft space and bought the Jetmax cubes to get organize. I like the idea that you used for holding the cricut cart. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I think your system is great! I keep my carts in the cricut cartridge storage binder. I have three binder that each hold twelve carts. One binder is A-G another H-P and the last one is Q-Z cartridge titles. I can be reached on my blog

  3. Wow, Looks really nice. Would have never thought to store mine that way. Guess what I'm getting ready to do :)
    Thank You for sharing.

    1. I chose a winner today and you won! can you please contact me at cjdempsey9 at msn dot com
      for how to collect your cartridge?

  4. Love your organization system! I need to figure out some type of system for my cartridges, thanks for sharing! I am a new follower of your blog and am looking forward to more of your creations and inspiration!
    scrappindhilly at gmail dot com
