Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Think About it Thursday: Jars of Joy Challenge

I have out grown my current ribbon storage and was looking for an in expensive storage option.  I came across it in my pantry:  an Archer Farm's Nut Jar.  So, I pulled out some paper by The Robin's Nest and stamps from Heartfelt Creations and started to reorganize my stash.  And just before I wrote this post, I checked Moxie Fab World for the lastest Tuesday Trigger and I found they have a Jar's of Joy Challenge.  It is not actually a Tuesday Trigger, but how excited was I that it fit my current project!?
Here are some of the detail pictures.  

The leaves are from some vintage custom jewelry and the pacifier is from shower favors (from my baby shower so I had to save one and use it!)  And yes, it has been in the stash for 14 years.  The letters are Thicker and match the grey top for the jar perfectly!  


  1. Cute! Don't you just love finding new ways to repurpose things! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey Clare! Thanks for linking this up to the Jars of Joy Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  3. This is so CUTE! and a GREAT way to store your ribbon!!
    Have a GREAT day!
