Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Try it Tuesday: Copic Marker App for the Iphone and Ipad

Did you know there is an app for Copic markers?  This app has some built in Combos for skin tones and hair, grass, etc and you can build your own combos too!  All the current Copic marker colors are displayed with the Copic name, number and a color swatch.  So next time you see a blog post or Pinterest post with a combo you want you just add it to a WANT list!  You can make a list of markers you own so don't buy duplicates, called My Markers!  The Combos are linked to "My Marker" list and will let you see visually through the use of a little check mark in bottom right corner of the color swatch if you have that particular color.  The app also allows you to store/add your own favorite combos.  
For some reason, I was unable to find the MarkerPal when I searched for it in the app store, so you can use this link to find it:  http://appstore.com/markerpal I believe the app is $3.49 or $3.99.  Go ahead and try this, you will love it!  


  1. Thanks for the kind words Claire. I'm the developer of MarkerPal and just wanted to let you know I am busy adding some new features to MarkerPal and would love you and your reader's feedback. If anyone has any questions, comments or concerns about MarkerPal please feel free to e-mail support [[at]] markerpal [[dot]] com.

    Kevin McMahon

  2. This looks like a really cool app. I would love the addition of the Copic Colour Wheel if that is possible. At the moment I am just using a pic of the wheel which I can zoom into to see but it is cumbersome lol
