Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Is it Flag Day Yet?

Family legend says my Mother hung the flag on the first day of school.  I don't believe she was celebrating the first day of school as a national holiday, I think it just fell on flag day and my Mother was teased about it. Maybe having 11 children go back to school was a national holiday to her!  It is a happy day and a sad one at the same time.  I cut the scalloped rectangle with Cricut CTMH Artiste.
Today I am sharing my back to school page this year and entering into Bitten By the Bug's School Bus Challenge.
I used Locker Talk for the bus and A Child's Year for the Mother and Child and welded them in CCR.  Paper and title are DCWV and number stickers are Basic Grey.


  1. This is such a fabulous layout. I love the silhouette of the mom and child and the bus also. Thanks for joining us at BBTB2.

  2. Great layout Clare!! I love the bus and the mother and child. So very pretty! Thank you so very much for joining our 'School Bus' challenge at BBTB2!!!! :)

  3. Great layout. Great way to capture this bittersweet moment. Thanks for joining BBTB2.

  4. I believe I would declare it a national holiday if I had 11 children to send off to school!!!! With medicinal and celebratory beverages! It's crazy enough with only three kids! Absolutely love your layout-perfect for that back to school pic :) Thanks for playing along with us at BBTB2 this week.

  5. Oh I love your layout!! The silhouette of the bus and mother and child look amazing on this layout!! Bless your mother for raising 11 kids, I have raise 6 and know how much work was involved so I can imagine how much work and love your mother had! I can also imagine that it was a holiday for your mother when school started back up! lol Thanks for joining us at BBTB2;-)
