Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wear it Again Wednesday: Make it Fit Again

Several years ago I bought a new dress for my niece's wedding and loved it.  Despite it's classic style, I can no longer wear it because my metabolism seems to be slowing with age!  Almost 10 pound heavier and the dress doesn't fit.  But I love it, so I began thinking about how to alter it to wear it to another wedding this weekend.  It is a black and white dress, so I decided to add a stripe down the side almost like a pair of tuxedo pants.  Below are my before and after pictures.  What do you think?  Will people know I altered the dress or did I do such a good job I can get away with it?

Hip Area:  Note how the first photo below shows pulling across the front in the before photo and the pulling is gone in the 2nd photo below (after adding side stripe).

Side View Note in the top side photo you can see the pulling across the front and it looks too tight across the bum.  In the second photo below with the side stripe, the pulling is gone and it fits across the bum.  

How did I do it?  I matched the fabric with some fabric I found at Hobby Lobby.  The print is actually a knit and the black is too!  Can't believe I found a black to match!  And then I prewashed fabric and ironed it.  I used my rotary cutter to cut a strip 2 inches wide (allowing a half inch seam allowance) I have a 1" stripe on the side.  Be sure if you use a knit for this technique that the stretch goes horizontally across the body and NOT up and down!  It only cost me $6.84 and I have plenty of left over fabric!  I think I like it better with the stripe!  Now all I need is some Spanx!

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