Saturday, November 30, 2013

Paper Wreath: Overcoming Creative Block with FCCB Challenge 188

I put together another paper leaf wreath for Christmas and needed to cover some bare spots in the back ground.  I had some creative block and could not figure out how to fill them in.  So, I set it aside for a week.  Then I ran across FCCB Challenge #188:  Sparkle and Bling and knew what to do:  glitter!  Sometimes, all I need to get over creative block, is a good challenge!  So here is my wreath made with Winter Woodland, some buttons and Art Glitter 47 Vine, Basic Grey paper and other paper.


  1. I would never guess you had creative block with this, it is lovely and so full of detail! Thanks for joining FCCB's "sparkle and bling" challenge this week!!

  2. I really like the way this turned out, I may be scraplifting;-) Thanks for joining us at FCCB.
