Friday, May 23, 2014

Frugal Fashion Friday

This week I am trying a new feature in my Keaton Row Lookbooks:  High Low Fashion Looks!  I show you a high quality designer look, with genuine materials at a high price point.  Then I show you a similar look in faux materials, by a brand name for a low price point.  You can choose the high quality designer look, or the brand name bargain look.  If you buy the brand name look on the lookbook above you save $2499.20!  Fabulous savings can be found here: 
And if this is not your look just use on of the links to request your own lookbook.  Let me know what you are looking for and your budget.  Also, try hovering over an item of clothing and you can see my comments, tips and any sale prices!  For example, in the lower price heel, you may want a black heel.  So my comments suggest you can paint the heel or color it with a sharpie!

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