Wednesday, May 14, 2014

This Online Job is Legit & I LOVE It!

Looking for a legitimate online job with no sign up fee or samples required?  Well I found one, and you can be an online fashion stylist at Keaton Row too!  I have been a stay at home Mom for 14 years now and have had a few chances to work as a free lance technical designer, flat sketch artist and insurance transcriber while I stay home.  But the free lance fashion work and the insurance transcription work have dried up and I have been unable to find a job that works for me and my family. 
In early April I found a job posting on LinkedIn for an online fashion stylist at Keaton Row.  I have been skeptical of online jobs, so I did some research and contacted three Keaton Row stylists to ask them questions.  I liked what I heard, so I decided to give it a try.  Here is what I love about Keaton Row:
  1. I get to sell something I love:  Fashion!  If I was going into sales, it had to be something I was passionate about.  If you follow my blog, you know I love paper crafting, but all of the sales jobs are taken in my geographical area and many of my friends and family are already consulting.   That leads me to my second point on what I love...
  2. I'm selling something every woman needs and it is consumable clothing and accessories!  If I sold paper crafting products, I limit my potential customers and they don't always need paper as the seasons change.  As an online fashion stylist, I sell clothing for misses, women's sizes, tall sizes, maternity sizes and accessories!  And my potential customer, will need new clothing as the season change and time goes on!
  3. It's FREE!  There is NO sign up fee and I don't need samples to show my customers!  They shop from photos online.  Now, let me be honest here and say there are some minimal costs associated with this job and I will list them at the bottom of this post in detail, they include business cards, paper and stamps.  I can use Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter to promote and since I already use these tools at home on the wifi, there is NO extra cost for me.
  4. It' a FREE service for my customers!  My commission is paid by the retailers, so no fee to my clients.  Their clothing is the SAME price as they would pay at the retailer!
  5. Shipping in the continental U.S. is FREE for purchases.  Returns are FREE for three of the Keaton Row retailers.  Only one charges a return fee of $10.00, but I can warn my customers before they purchase, so there are no surprises.  And this is actually the highest price point retailer at Keaton Row, so I don't think it will dissuade the serious customer.
  6. I can set my own hours and work from home!  There aren't many fashion jobs in Illinois, but I can still work in the industry I love!  I could work retail, but then I would have to work holidays and weekends.
  7. I can earn a commission on my own purchases.
  8. I can earn an incentive for signing up more Keaton Row Stylists!  And if you join, you can too!  If you decide to sign up after reading my post, please sign up under me, so I can get the commission.  You can find me here:
  9. Customers have a one stop check out!  I might create a lookbook with 8 pieces and my customers could chose items from four different retailers, but they have one checkout and one payment.
What does a Keaton Row Stylist do?
  1. Create Lookbooks for clients.  Lookbooks are photos of clothing and or accessories tailored to match and meet a clients wardrobe needs fashion trends, and budget.  I have posted a photo from a lookbook.  Keaton Row provides the Lookbook format, photos, links, etc.
  2. Recruit Clients to shop with Keaton Row.  You will need to develop your own client list from family and friends to start and maintain your KR stylist business. Once you reach $350.00 in total sales at KR, you are listed in the KR Stylist Matching list on the website.  That means customers who look up Keaton Row and need a stylist will find you as a potential stylist.  I made over $350.00 in my first month and have already had two clients choose me in my first week in the matching pool!  
  3. Contact clients to confirm more details on their needs and requests.  For example, will they where all fiber types?  Do they like hand wash dry clean?  Did they fill out their complete profile and if not, the details you need to make the best lookbook for them.
  4. Follow up on requests for lookbooks, sales, and returns.  Now, the follow up on the sales and returns is not listed as a job requirement, but I believe this is part of my customer service portion of the job. 
  5. Attend online training meetings and sales meetings.   
Here is a list of some of my expenses since I started with Keaton Row.
  1. Business cards-you can actually find these cheap, or make your own with your home printer and some nice white card stock.  I always have white card stock on hand!
  2. Paper for flyers and mailers.  This is only for my clients that don't have email or internet access.  I am using the email, Facebook, Twitter etc. for contacting others.
  3. Envelopes for mailing flyers.  This is only for my clients that don't have email or internet access.
  4. Thank you cards (optional).  I am writing thank you cards for my purchases, because I feel this is another marketing tool and well frankly I love to make cards.  I save money by buying my envelopes  and supplies at garage sales and with coupons.  Everyone who wanted to scrapbook and never got around to it, is selling their supplies at garage sales!
  5. Gift card for $25.00 (optional promotion idea).  I decided that to build my clients I needed an incentive.   So, I am offering to enter any new client who signs up and reviews a lookbook into a drawing for a gift card at their favorite Keaton Row retailer.  I am holding this for my first two months at Keaton Row.
  6. Some Keaton Row clothes for a photo shoot.  This is highly recommended for your stylist photo, but not required.  I got my professional photo taken by a friend whose kids I drive to school.  You can barter sometimes for the things you need!
I get paid once a month and just got my first pay check.  Please feel free to contact me with questions at the cjdempsey9 at msn dot com!   Or you can visit my Keaton Row profile here and sign up to be a stylist:

I would be happy to work with you to get started and share my how to's and experiences.  Want more info, check out my FB, and Twitter links on the right side of the blog.

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