Sunday, April 7, 2019

Simple Sunday: Graphic Novels for Prime Members

Just a quick post today to share some graphic novels available to Amazon Prime members in Kindle format, for FREE this month.  

What is a graphic novel?  Well, some of us think of them as comic books, but they are much more.  They are fictional stories much longer than comic books, with graphic illustrations that my students love!  

Why should I allow my child to read them?  This book format is fabulous for engaging the reluctant readers, They tend to be more engaging than some fiction, and they provide a more stress free reading option for the child who struggles to read.  Graphic novels are also wonderful for building vocabulary.  Your child's class room teacher, will provide reading that is more traditional, but it is important for every child to have the option to choose the books they love in order to form a love of reading.   So, get them reading and then allow them to mature in their genre selections!

And, this genre, can also keep a tween engaged in reading.   As parents today, we see all the competition for our children's attention, with TV, YouTube, video games, and smart phones.  As, my children grew older and had more independence we bought them phones for contacting us from band camp or after school activities.  Graphic novels can keep the child who once read chapter books, engaged in reading until they are older.  So, keep them engaged in reading with graphic novels and they will return to a more traditional genre later!  Keep up your trips to the library and book stores and keep them reading!  

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