Oh, my gosh! So, excited and happy today about my latest cut file. I know, I am easily amused! One of my favorite blogs
Clever Someday had a video tutorial a while back with how to create circular text, and I finally figured it out yesterday. Thanks so much Clever Someday! I have a different version of Microsoft Word and could not figure out how to use the steps she listed. So, I will add my how to's below for you new SCAL 2 users who might have the same version of Microsoft Office Word I do.
1) Open Microsoft Office Word
2) Click on the Insert Menu
3) Select the Word Art Icon
4) Choose a Word Art Style, I chose the curve in black.
5) In the Edit Word Art Text box, select your font style and size and type in your title or letters and click OK. In my case, I typed in A-Z.
6) Choose Change Shape from the tool bar mini menu (towards the center)
7) Select the Outline Circle
8) Stretch your Circle out by dragging from the handle in the lower right hand corner
9) Hit your Print Screen button
10) Open Paint
11) Paste in your screen capture
12) Select the edit square and draw a box around your text circle only
13) Hit Copy
14) Open a new Paint document (without saving the screen capture) and paste in your copied text circle
14) Save the file as a jpg
15) Open Scal 2 and Select the Trace from the file menu, select the jpg file saved in step 14
I added a circle in the middle and welded the two items to get my cut file. Here is the
file, for those of you who would like it. Please leave me a note of encouragement if you download! Thanks!
I saw a cut file like this in a catalog, and knew that I could make it. When I saw Clever Somedays tutorial, I thought I would try it. I plan to use this in my boys school albums.