Trying to finish my Friday chores and pack for a crop tonight at Creative Escapes, in DeKalb, IL. Seems I only get a chance to scrapbook out of the house. I think I prefer to go to a crop rather than scrapping alone. Having grown up with 6 sisters, I have really found that I miss the company of women! So, I get to create, shop and visit at the same time! My friend Bridgette runs Creative Escapes out of her basement and hosts regular crops with everything you can think of available at her home. You can find out more about Creative Escapes at:
http://creativeescapeil.com/default.aspxBridgette is the perfect hostess, and has everything so organized! She even hosted a meeting for my scrap booking guild and spoke about organization!
Thought I might share how I pack for a crop, as this is a frequently discussed topic for our guild and newbies!
1) Basics-start with your basic tools, scissors, trimmer, adhesive, white and black card stock, etc. I actually have two sets, one for home and one for the crop tote. Then, I can just grab my tool tote and I am ready.
2) Decide what to work on, and develop film as needed
3) Pack your own page kits. Pull your photos first. I like to go through my CTMH idea books and pick the page based on the number of photos I'm using and how much I like the page layout. Another great resource is
www.pagemaps.com. Got to have that book and her cards. They go right in my page kits!
4) Once you have your photos and page design, choose your paper, embellishments, stickers, ribbon, etc.
5) Review your destinations website, and your friends packing lists so you don't double pack, or over pack. Most hostesses keep a list of their Cricut cartridges, so you don't have to pack all of yours. Bridgette, just asks us to bring our own matts as they are consumable.
6) Pre-cut as needed or desired. I can't cut without using my Cricut DS software now that I have it! It is like having a page preview and I prevent so much wastage! And I do like making my own items and welding! Can't wait to see how the Gypsy will help us on the go croppers!
7) Pack to promote, if your hostess allows be sure to bring your business cards and some conversation starts and or product.
And for my picture today, here is a tote I just had to embellish for my out-of-the-house crops! I sewed black velcro in two strips on the tote about 12" apart. I took a page protector and applied stick on velcro to the back of the page protector. I then embellished the top of the page protector around the edges with fabric, ribbon, a crocheted trim, fabric yo-yo's, and embellishments. I can slip in my current pages to show off! Because I used the vecro, I can swap out the embellished page protector when the season changes! So far, I have a Halloween, and Christmas one and hope to make more. I would love to make this available on Etsy, but have not found a way to make it cost effective yet!