I was nominated for a Stylish Blogger Award by Kim over at
Creative Bling! Thanks Kim!
As part of this award, I have been asked to follow the following guidelines:
1.Thank and link back to the person who awarded you. Thanks again Kim!!
2.Share 8 things about yourself.
3.Pay forward to 8 bloggers you've discovered.
4.Contact the 8 bloggers to tell them about the award.
8 Things about myself, in case you don't know these already:
I am so thankful for my faith and family!
I love my Cricut and use it almost daily!
I am obsessed with putting scallops on everything.
I would like to be published in a scrap booking magazine this year.
I would like to win a Moxie Fab World challenge.
I am so thankful for the on line community of paper artist and all the inspiration and comments they give me!
I have a fashion design degree and love to sew and make patterns too!
I love spending my summers on Lake Michigan and wish I could afford to spend more than a week there every year!
Now, I know that some of us are very busy, and this may feel a bit like a chain letter. But some of us, are flattered and honored to be nominated! So, if you don't want to forward on the award don't worry. Just know that I liked your blog and work enough to nominate you! Also, I like to choose new blogs each time I participate in one of these, but I also have a very short term memory and can't always remember who I have nominated and for which award! So, if I have or have not re-nominated someone please except my apology! It's my creative mind, moving too quickly for my long term memory!
So my nominees are:
Michelle's Adventures I love her SVG's! They are great for scrappers and card makers!
Craft Place by Janice A! Jan is actually in my scrap booking guild and I love her work! I was so excited when she started a blog because we can't always make the same meetings and I want to see what she is working on. You will too!
Cricutlover. I love this blog and use the Google translate to read it. I love that I can visit blogs a world away and get inspiration!
Debbies Scrappin Corner. I love looking at Debbies layouts!
Designs by Robin Love, Love her layouts and think she has an eye for the the perfect page!
Grace's Scrap Attic I love Grace's 3 D projects too!
Hey There Rosie Girl! What beautiful simplicity! Timeless!
Hip and Humble Paperworks. I love her three dimension projects and that she uses lot of different tools.
Be sure to check out yesterday post below, you still have one day to comment and enter my drawing!