I love Martha Stewarts craft products. I am terribly fond of her ribbon, and punches! In fact there are very few punches I buy now that I am such a Cricut addict, but MS punches are addictive and sometimes quicker than designing a cut file! Today, I used Martha Stewart ribbon to finish a Pazzles Inspiration Cover. I love the teal ribbon with the crisp white plaid against this classic paisley fabric!
Speaking of Martha Stewart, do you know about where to shop for MS on the cheap!? The Wilton Tent sale. You have to check out this sale if you live in IL, WI or IN, it is worth the trip. Sale runs June 4-22, 2010 in Woodridge, IL. The tent is just off of 355.They will have Martha Stewart, K & Company and EK Success for at least %50 off retail. And there are plenty of kitchen and baking tools supplies for those of you who bake! Be sure to bring your own tote as the shopping carts are hard to come by! Carpool if you can, because parking can be difficult!! Don't worry if you cannot make the sale in the first few days, they bring in items by the pallets daily. In fact, if you can it is worth visiting more than once a year as the items can vary daily. Good thing I don't live too close or the mad money would be gone by the end of June!
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